
Add-On subWrite


License: FPDF


This method prints text from the current position in the same way as Write(). An additional parameter allows to reduce or increase the font size; it's useful for initials. A second parameter allows to specify an offset so that text is placed at a superscripted or subscripted position.

subWrite(float h, string txt [, mixed link [, float subFontSize [, float subOffset]]])

h: line height
txt: string to print
link: URL or identifier returned by AddLink()
subFontSize: size of font in points (12 by default)
subOffset: offset of text in points (positive means superscript, negative subscript; 0 by default)



class PDF extends FPDF
function subWrite($h, $txt, $link='', $subFontSize=12, $subOffset=0)
    // resize font
    $subFontSizeold = $this->FontSizePt;
    // reposition y
    $subOffset = ((($subFontSize - $subFontSizeold) / $this->k) * 0.3) + ($subOffset / $this->k);
    $subX        = $this->x;
    $subY        = $this->y;
    $this->SetXY($subX, $subY - $subOffset);

    //Output text
    $this->Write($h, $txt, $link);

    // restore y position
    $subX        = $this->x;
    $subY        = $this->y;
    $this->SetXY($subX,  $subY + $subOffset);

    // restore font size



$pdf=new PDF();
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12);

$pdf->Write(5, 'Hello World!');
$pdf->Write(5, "This is standard text.\n");

$pdf->subWrite(10, 'H', '', 33);
$pdf->Write(10, 'ello World!');
$pdf->Write(10, "This is text with a capital first letter.\n");

$pdf->subWrite(5, 'Y', '', 6);
$pdf->Write(5, 'ou can also begin the sentence with a small letter. And word wrap also works if the line is too long!');
$pdf->Write(5, "This is text with a small first letter.\n");

$pdf->Write(5, 'The world has a lot of km');
$pdf->subWrite(5, '2', '', 6, 4);
$pdf->Write(5, "This is text with a superscripted letter.\n");

$pdf->Write(5, 'The world has a lot of H');
$pdf->subWrite(5, '2', '', 6, -3);
$pdf->Write(5, 'O');
$pdf->Write(5, "This is text with a subscripted letter.\n");

View the result here.


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