Extraction of PDF properties

Add-On Extraction of PDF properties


Author: Sacha MPS
License: FPDF


This function extracts the document properties from a PDF file. It works fine with documents generated by FPDF. It can also work with PDFs made from other generators, but not all.

The get_pdf_prop() function returns an associative array whose keys are the names of the properties found in the file (such as Author, CreationDate, Creator, Keywords, Producer, Subject and Title).


function get_pdf_prop($file)
    $f = fopen($file, 'rb');
        return false;

    //Read the last 16KB
    fseek($f, -16384, SEEK_END);
    $s = fread($f, 16384);

    //Extract cross-reference table and trailer
    if(!preg_match("/xref[\r\n]+(.*)trailer(.*)startxref/s", $s, $a))
        return false;
    $xref = $a[1];
    $trailer = $a[2];

    //Extract Info object number
    if(!preg_match('/Info ([0-9]+) /', $trailer, $a))
        return false;
    $object_no = $a[1];

    //Extract Info object offset
    $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $xref);
    $line = $lines[1 + $object_no];
    $offset = (int)$line;
    if($offset == 0)
        return false;

    //Read Info object
    fseek($f, $offset, SEEK_SET);
    $s = fread($f, 1024);

    //Extract properties
    if(!preg_match('/<<(.*)>>/Us', $s, $a))
        return false;
    $n = preg_match_all('|/([a-z]+) ?\((.*)\)|Ui', $a[1], $a);
    $prop = array();
    for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++)
        $prop[$a[1][$i]] = $a[2][$i];
    return $prop;


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